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We develop learning experiences that will certainly possess a good effect on your organization outcomes, help environmental friendly development and help you to fulfill fresh challenges. Our programs enable you to research for more effective and efficient ways of functioning. Result is created by providing you with information as well as skills in efficient methods. We do this by utilizing real-life case and by including you in the total learning process. We constantly challenge your creativeness and problem-solving capabilities to keep you involved and encouraged. The understanding you obtain is present and relevant.


This will help any organization to have a management system which not only take care of Effective Business Operation but also helps in enhancing Customers' satisfaction.


This Management System will help any organization in effective management of the Environmental Performance and also earn some Business Benefits.


This Management System will help any organization in effective management of the Safety Performance and also earn some Business Benefits.


ISO 27001 Information security systems really helps all enterprises and manufactures to manage their information security management and later to the customer needs in the most apt and efficient manner. It has gives the business edge orders others in the competitive business world. The selection of fool proof security controls to protect Information Assets and to instill confidence among customers is the need of the hour for many commercial establishments, government agencies, nonprofit organizations etc.


ISO 22000 is an international standard that defines the requirements of a food safety management system covering all organizations in the food chain from "farm to fork". The standard combines generally recognized key elements to ensure food safety along the food chain.


This course will develop the knowledge and skills required to lead a BCMS audit, with emphasis on independent auditing principles and practices. Led by an expert instructor, practical exercises, group activities and class discussions will be used to guide you through the entire audit process from the planning of the audit through to reporting the results.


Bespoke trainings are done to meet the requirements of the client. These trainings are basically tailor made to suit the timings of corporate personnel and also to people who requires specific topics on Quality, Health-safety, Environmental, Information security and Food Safety. Example of Bespoke trainings: